Wednesday, March 11, 2009

J - Final Events...there's Good News!

What is going on? Is this troubling time in the world a bunch of randomness or is there a method to this mayhem? Could it even have been written about before this time? And there's good news and hope for tomorrow. Check out (click link):

I - Prophecy for open book!

So much prophecy floating around...who has the Master Key to unlock it? It is revealed in this simple story, check out:

(best viewed in order, click link below pic)

Prophecy 1 - Our Day in Prophecy

Prophecy 2 - Daniel's Beasts & the Little Horn

Prophecy 3 - The Great Sea Beast

Prophecy 4 - USA in Bible Prophecy and Mark of the Beast

Prophecy 5 - TOO HOT...the Lord's Glory

Prophecy 6 - The Holy Spirit


Prophecy 7 - The Fall of Babylon

H - How do I pick a church?

The ghost of Babylon. That nation has left us a long time ago, but its spirit remains. And it's probably right around the block! Come out and check out:

Why so many churches? How do I pick one? It's got to be more than just the carpet, food, or music, right? Is there a way to tune into a place to go? Check out:

G - How Dead are the Dead?

Do we need to worry about things that go bonk in the night? What happens after death...there is peace and good news! Can we trust all the drug reports and "best-selling" testimonies? What if something rather peaceful happens....check out:

Part I - How dead are the dead?

And what about ghosts and goblins? Is every visitor really a friend? How can we tell the difference?

Part II - Is it a Saint or Satan?

F - The Forgotten Blessing

Over 3000 years ago, was it suggested that we would forget something? Something dating back to the beginning of time? Could we, in our modern age, have overloooked something important?



E - The Law of Love

Why do we make things so hard sometimes? It can be so simple. Check out:

D - Is Heaven for Real?

Just a fairy tale? or a real place available to you and me? Wanna go? I do. Come with me on a quick journey:

the Kingdom of Heaven:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

C - The Second Coming...R U ready?

There's no secret about this. The information is clear. And with help we don't have to worry about false Christs and false prophets...check it out:

B - Anything left we can trust?

Is there anything left we can trust?

In these times, these rapidy changing times, with technology and the world changing there anything stable? Is there anything today that will be there tomorrow? A rock in the wavy sea? Does the past have answers for the future? Check out:

A - Good God . . . Bad World . . . Why?


Welcome and good news!

Feeling down? Times can be hard. So many questions. Have you ever wondered, if God is so good then why is the world so bad? We've been shown 2 main reasons....Let's take a look... (click the link)